About FinancialReports

Revolutionizing access to European financial data for investors and companies alike

Your Gateway to European Financial Data

FinancialReports is on a mission to revolutionize access to the European capital market, making it transparent and readily accessible. In a landscape where obtaining crucial data on listed companies can be a challenging task, we serve as a beacon of ease and efficiency.

Think of us as your gateway to the fundamental data of listed European companies, simplifying the process of publishing, accessing, and retrieving this information.

Our expansive database serves as a stage for companies to publish documents and showcase their potential to a vast audience of domestic and international investors.

Map of Europe showing FinancialReports coverage

By redefining how financial filings are published and accessed, FinancialReports promotes transparency, breaks down investment barriers, and significantly reduces the time spent on researching information on listed European companies.

Democratizing Access to European Financial Data

Our Mission

We are committed to providing open and comprehensive access to the most extensive database of information and documentation pertaining to European listed companies. Our goal is to make critical financial information available to all, breaking down barriers and fostering transparency in the process.

Our Solution

We've developed a comprehensive, all-in-one database designed specifically with investors and listed companies in mind. Our platform simplifies the process of publishing, structuring, and distributing fundamental data, making it easier for companies to share their potential and for investors to discover new opportunities.

A Single, Scalable Access Point for All Your Needs

Leverage our comprehensive solution that covers the entire European market

Corporate Filings

  • Annual Reports
  • Quarterly Reports
  • ESG Reports
  • Company Presentations

Latest News

  • Ad Hoc News
  • Voting Rights
  • Transactions
  • Takeover Bids

General Corporate Information

  • About the Company
  • Management Team
  • Industry Overview
  • Shareholder Details

Additional Filings & Information

  • Analyst Reports
  • Fact Sheets
  • Sustainability Reports
  • IPO Announcements

Principles Guiding Our Endeavors

We are more than just a solution - we are your partner in navigating the European financial market.

Transparency as a Fundamental Necessity

We believe that smarter investment decisions stem from superior information. Our aim is to provide the utmost in data quality to support investors in making informed investment decisions.

Quality Through Simplicity

Our platform is designed to offer investors high-quality data and an easy-to-use interface, including an Application Programming Interface (API). We strive to create an intuitive, frictionless, and up-to-date platform.

Fostering Long-term Relationships

We have established direct connections with companies, investors, and analysts to ensure up-to-date information and publications. We constantly expand our network into new European markets with locally responsible country managers.

Independence is Our Commitment

We take our role of providing fundamental equity data seriously. We strive to be a reliable partner for both investors and listed companies, keeping investors informed and helping companies comply with European law.

Connect With Us

We're here to assist you in every aspect of your financial data journey

API Access Requests

Want to access our extensive database? Let's get you connected to Europe's most comprehensive financial data.

Contact for API Access

Join Our Team

Contribute to building Europe's most comprehensive database for financial filings.

[email protected]

Press Inquiries

For press kits, inclusion in events, or media coverage, reach out to us.

[email protected]

General Inquiries

Found outdated or incorrect information? Let us know.

[email protected]

Customer Support

Experiencing difficulties accessing our database? We're here to help.

[email protected]

Stay up to date

Keep yourself informed with the most recent updates on FinancialReports, IPOs, product advancements, and other significant news.